Students Association

The Undip’s Bachelor of Nursing Program and Nurse Profession Program have a similar student association called the Nursing Students Association (HIMKA). This association contributes in preparing, planning, organizing and implementing student activities both academic and non-academic in line with the vision, mission, goals and strategies of the study program, faculty and university. This association carries out its activities based on coordination with the head of the study program.

The association consists of several departments, as follows:

  1. Human Resource Development (PSDM): Responsible for developing human resources, recruiting members and upgrading students’ organizational, communication and soft skills.
  2. Advocacy Department: Responsible for facilitating student aspirations for various current events or issues with internal and external parties.
  3. Department of Interests and Talents (MIKAT): Responsible for facilitating and developing students’ talents and interests in academics, sports and arts and so on.
  4. Department of External Relations (HUBLU): Responsible for fostering and developing relationships and collaboration with various student associations in other nursing education institutions including ILMIKI (Indonesian Nursing Student Association) or JMKI (Indonesian Nursing Student Networks).
  5. Department of Social Affairs (SOSMAS): Responsible for service to the community with various community service activities that are accepted by the community such as social services, visits, and so on.
  6. Department of Student Welfare (KESMA): Responsible for various information and scholarship programs and job opportunities for the academic community in the department.
  7. Rekadana Department: Responsible for cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit in students and providing financial support for the existence of HIMKA with various activities that bring financial benefits.